Look! It's grey and a sweater that isn't purple! I really had to resist the urge to pair purple with this. Blue is a nice color too.
After I had gotten dressed, I realized that I managed to match my nails and my shoes. It happens. Polish is black matte and silver from Hot Topic. Buying them, I couldn't help but giggle immensely. I recommend the silver, but not the black.

Lastly, I was in NY visitng my family recently to celebrate my step father's retirement, and since my 30th birthday is coming up, my parents gave me my present. It's a lovely necklace, but more than that it's a fairly sentimental piece. The center stone is from a ring my grandmother (on m mom's side) had. For many years, my mom then had it, and she gave it to me. The ring was a lovely old setting but didn't fit and the band was no longer in great shape, and she always said she wanted to re-set it for me. So for my birthday they had it set in this lovely necklace! The best part? My mom took another ring also from her mom and had it set in a similar setting for herself. So now we're necklace buddies :)