Here I am! Back from my week in DC, a.k.a. the place where much sushi is eaten. Going out for sushi is always near the top of my agenda when I head back- there are some excellent Sushi restaurants close to the office and some co-workers and I would head out for some lunch time sushi every once in awhile. husband has yet to hop on board with the raw fish, so I have to get my fix in whenever opportunities present themselves. I enjoyed looking snazzy int he office, though I hurt my feet my first Sunday there while wandering the (national) mall in my beloved bronze flats. I knew my work day was sedentary,but was not prepared for ill affects of suddenly increasing the amount of *walking* I did. My poor footsies. :(
So I wasn't the greatest at getting daily pics taken, but I'll post what I have later on. For today I wanted warmth and um, clean clothes. I have to do laundry from my week away, and I'm not quite used to the cooler weather and my new-found desire to be snazzily dressed.
Up top I wore this cute dark purple short sleeve sweater with fun puffy sleeves that will not see the light of day today other than for picture taking purposes- the heat may stay on this afternoon! this is one of several items of clothing my friend Rachel and I both own. We're completely different body types and dress a bit differently, so even though we shop at similar stores and own several items in common, I feel like we still end up looking pretty different. She wore this sweater last week :)
I broke out my 'fancy' earrings today- no real reasons other than they are pretty. I'm not one to shy away from wearing good jewelry on a day to day basis, but these are just a rather formal design to me. But they're pretty and I felt they fit.
Not sure if I've owned up tot his or not, but these shoes look kind of funky on my feet, so I prefer to wear them with pants that cover everything but the toe box. I think they're too narrow, but they are certainly comfy so I can't say for sure. What up Nine West- why do your shoes look so funky on me?
Oh, my hair was down originally, but was just irritating me, so up it went! I did enjoy having styled hair at the office several days last week though.
I think you look great! Love the blazer. They always make everything better :D
Such great shoes :)
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