Ahh cotton. Wonderful, glorious, delightfully warm and not itchy cotton. I am swathed in your awesomeness and am quite pleased about it.
See the happy face? And for the record, I'm well aware I'm in desperate need of a dye job. Its just fitting it in is a bit tricky.
I thought today was a gnome day. I shortened up the cording so he sits appropriately- what a great feature for a necklace to have!
The hardest thing about getting dressed this morning was deciding what shoes to wear. I kind of wanted to wear red shoes, and even though I'm inside all day and could have gotten away with wearing my red wedges, I decided against cheating. It's just not right when it's 43 degrees outside to wear summer shoes inside! I *definitely* need more shoes. Definitely.
Also decided to change up the earrings a bit. I often overlook these, but they're really cute and should get more action.
Oooh I'm loving the printed tee underneath the cami-- such great colors together and so fun! Cute necklace, too :)
Love the print underneath! And I LOVE the color of your shoes!!! The twistiness of it are so fun! :D
I wrote a really long post telling you how much I loved the lake blue sweater, and I have no idea why it didn't post. :-(
Anyways, you look beautiful in this color!
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