I am completely relying on the colors up top to make this outfit interesting. I tried some necklaces, but everything seemed to compete with the sparkly logo and just seemed like a little too much, so I decided the bright colors were good enough. This absurd shirt is one of the items in my closet that makes me wonder what crack I was smoking when I bought it. First off- it's a sparkly logo shirt. Huh? Second of all, it is elfin sized and I am not. This shirt is rather tiny- so tiny I don't see myself wearing it solo anytime soon. You know what the worst part is? I have another one! At least that one isn't sparkly, but it is a teeny tiny puma logo shirt. I mean, I like Puma, but I don't *love* Puma. I believe I was in the 'I need nicer shirts than my free college t-shirts, but I don't really want to buy real shirts' phase. But I am determined to wear more of the items in my closet and combine things in new ways, so we get sparkly miniature logo t-shirts.
See; sparkly and elfin.
I did at least wear fun earrings!
Wooooooo! Thursday!!
Love the way you've elevated the look of the t-shirt-- so much! Purple is such a great color :)
Love the blazer and tee combo and that color on the jacket is beautiful!
The color of the shirt is very pretty. Perhaps with a vest it would also work.
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